As of writing - August 31st, it is not clear whether cloud will hamper this evening's event at Hook's House farm campsite.  Read in next month's notes whether we were lucky - or not.  [Read more about Hook’s House Event - 2024]

Monthly meetings of WDAS will recommence early Autumn, the next formal meeting scheduled to be Tuesday October 1st - 7:30pm, room H1, Whitby School (again).  [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings - Bruce Observatory Open Nights]

Conditions in August seem to have become more of a lottery in recent years, however, a more settled spell of fine weather at the end of August this year allowed scheduled observing events to go ahead.  [Read more about Star Party Event Reports - Aug 24th & 29th]

It seemed hard to fathom, but our programme for the 2024 Whitby Regatta would be the first scheduled events to go ahead this summer.  But, was the long wait worthwhile?   [Read more about August Events - Regatta - A retrospective view. ]

Monthly meetings of WDAS are now in abeyance until early Autumn, the next formal meeting scheduled to be Tuesday October 1st - 7:30pm, room H1, Whitby School.   [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings]

The scheduled star party on July 19th - a solar/lunar affair, coincided with a mini heatwave, and unfortunately something unforeseen. [Read more about Solar/Lunar Party - July 19th Report ]

August should be a busy month for WDAS with numerous Star Party events scheduled including those for Whitby Regatta, Folk week and Bank holiday, and Hooks House. The big question is, will August break from tradition and have fine, settled weather? -Or be the usual dog’s dinner! [Read more about Star Party Schedule - August ]

Our second scheduled star party of the 'summer recess' on June 15th from the West Cliff coincided with yet more damp and unsettled weather.  [Read more about Lunar Party - June 15th Report ]

Monthly meetings of WDAS are now in abeyance until early Autumn, the next formal meeting scheduled to be Tuesday October 1st, room H1 at what ever what was formally known as Caedmon college (Normanby campus) nee Whitby College, nee School, nee grammar school, will be calling itself! [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings/Summer Star Party Schedule]

Monthly meetings of WDAS, held at Caedmon College - Normanby Campus, have now adjourned for the summer. The next meeting is scheduled to be Tuesday October 1st. [Read more about Society Monthly Meetings/Early Summer Star Party Schedule]
